Ana F., Ustvarjalka vsebin
Zakaj pripraviti snack iz malin z BAM temno čokolado ter BAM prelivom slana karamela?
1. Svežina malin: Maline so polne antioksidantov, vlaknin in vitaminov, ki so koristni za zdravje vašega telesa.
2. Arašidovo maslo za dodaten okus:Polnjenje malin z arašidovim maslom dodaja prigrizku dodatno bogastvo okusa in teksture.
3. Okusna BAM temna čokolada: BAM temna čokolada je bogata s kakavom in ima izrazit okus, ki se lepo ujema z malinami.
4. BAM preliv slana karamela za popolno ravnotežje: BAM preliv slana karamela dodaja prigrizku dodatno dimenzijo okusa, ki bo razvajala vaše brbončice.
Preveri še ostale BAM recepte za uporabo sočnih malin:
@bamchocolate.com Simple yet delicous raspberry snack? We got you! ? ✨ RECIPE ?? Ingredients: - raspberries - peanut butter - - BAM dark chocolate BAM salted caramel topping Preparation: - Generously fill the washed raspberries with peanut butter. - Dip the filled raspberries in the melted BAM dark chocolate, which has previously been melted in a water bath. Tip: Use a fork and/or spoon to help dip the raspberries. - Once the raspberries are nicely coated with chocolate, transfer them to a baking tray that has been lined with baking paper. This will allow the chocolate to cool and harden slowly, which will keep the filling in place and create a lovely crunchy texture. - Once the chocolate is completely set, drizzle the BAM salted caramel topping over the chocolate. The end result? A perfectly simple but irresistibly tasty snack that will delight us with its sweet-salty-caramel notes and satisfy our taste buds at the same time. Enjoy! #bamchocolate #raspberrysnack #healthysnack ♬ original sound - BAM (Become A Master)