- BAM Jagodna čokolada
- BAM Pomarančna čokolada
- BAM Zlata čokolada
- 200 ml mleka
- 50 g BAM mešanica za vaniljevo kremo
- 40 g piškotov
- Žlička masla
- Toppingi po želji
Velika noč je čas za druženje, ustvarjanje in praznovanje prebujenja pomladi. V duhu te čarobne priložnosti vam predstavljamo recept za Pisane velikonočne jajčke z vaniljevo kremo, ki vam bo polepšal praznične dni.
Ti ljubki, barviti jajčki so obogateni z edinstvenimi okusi BAM zlate, pomarančne in jagodne čokolade, kar jim daje pridih razkošja in sladkosti. Ne samo da so okusni, ampak jih je tudi izjemno zabavno izdelovati, še posebej v družbi naših najmlajših. Skupaj z otroki lahko uživate v mešanju barv, oblikovanju jajčk in seveda v sladkanju z vaniljevo kremo, s katero so napolnjena. ? ? ? Colourful Easter eggs with vanilla cream Easter is a time to come together, create and celebrate the awakening of spring. In the spirit of this magical occasion, here is a recipe for Colourful Easter Eggs with Vanilla Cream to brighten up your festive days. These lovely, colourful eggs are enriched with the unique BAM flavours of golden, orange and strawberry chocolate, giving them a touch of luxury and sweetness. Not only are they delicious, but they are also great fun to make, especially in the company of our little ones. Together with your children you can enjoy mixing the colours, shaping the eggs and, of course, sweetening them with the vanilla cream with which they are filled. Ingredients (for 3 eggs): BAM Strawberry Chocolate BAM Orange Chocolate BAM Golden chocolate 200 ml of milk 50 g BAM vanilla cream mix 40 g biscuits Spoonful of butter Toppings as desired Procedure: Put the BAM strawberry, orange and golden chocolate in small bowls and melt. Coat the egg mould with the melted chocolate (two layers if necessary) and place in a cold place to set. Meanwhile, stir 50 g BAM vanilla cream mix into 200 ml cold milk. Leave to stand for 3 minutes, then stir the cream again. Mix 40 g of the crushed biscuits with a teaspoon of melted butter. To assemble the dessert: place a spoonful of biscuits in the bottom of each chocolate egg and add the vanilla cream on top. Place the eggs in the fridge for 1 hour, then decorate as desired. #bamchocolate #easter #easteregg #vanillacream #eastereggs ♬ original sound - BAM (Become A Master)